Every day I hear it now: "This is a Good Thing."
These simple words have been the single most illuminating statement I have ever heard. This is the Holy Spirit's language:
Good Thing: A complete gift from the Creator directly to me and my family, offering pleasure, provision or wisdom. The result is contentment, or satiety.
These simple words have been the single most illuminating statement I have ever heard. This is the Holy Spirit's language:
Good Thing: A complete gift from the Creator directly to me and my family, offering pleasure, provision or wisdom. The result is contentment, or satiety.
Making the statement “This is a Good Thing” acknowledges my Source of all that I need and desire. It also tests the integrity of the thing. What God offers to His children for their nourishment pleasure, provision or wisdom will reflect His completeness.
[click.] James 1:17 . Psalm 16:2 . Psalm 103:5 .
From your kindness you send the rain to water the mountains from the upper rooms of your palace. Your goodness brings forth fruit for all to enjoy. Your compassion brings the earth’s harvest, feeding the hungry. You cause the grass to grow for livestock, along with the fruit, grains, and vegetables to feed mankind. You provide sweet wine to gladden hearts. You give us daily bread to sustain life, giving us glowing health for our bodies.
Psalms 104:13-15 TPT
Humans reflect God as integral beings. Each aspect--mind, body and spirit (reflecting Father, Son & Spirit) have needs that are only fully met in Him. As integral beings, you'll notice that what you take into your body affects the mind and the spirit; what happens in the spirit affects the intake of the body; what the mind experiences impacts the well being of the body and the spirit. We are designed as "one" as God is One. Therefore every Good Thing has benefit for every part of our beings. That's who He is. Generous and kind. He is the only One who knows us inside and out, and any gift He offers provides nourishment to the entire. I think this is why breaking bread is so substantial. The taking in of bread in the context of connection offers nourishment and pleasure to the mind, the body and the spirit.
When applied to a food, I imagine the opinion of God as He completed the sixth day:
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."
They say when you think you're hungry, take some water because it's possible you're just thirsty. It occurs to me: if we can't do this very basic thing, why do we think we are so smart?
I started noticing glory in food that God declared "good". That glory identified by God's fullness. Completeness. Substance.
Every food that God offers as "GOOD", also includes water...because it is living. So maybe it's not that the body is confused, but that the mind thinks it knows too much.
A Good Thing is an offering. Any gift given to me, that I can offer back for His pleasure by not simply taking but giving for the glory of God.
A Good Thing is connection. With God and others.
A Good Thing is wisdom. Knowledge in context of relationship to the Creator.
A Good Thing is also a trouble. A resistance that tries and purifies.
The thing about Good Things is that Satan takes every opportunity to disintegrate--to change our relationship to them so that rather than seeing the goodness of God, we idolize them, and try to control them for our own benefit. In the case of adversity, Satan perverted the difficulties which could have trained my faith, into "evidence that God isn't really very near, or very kind, so you'll have to go get goodness yourself".
The glory of God is weight. Not that of a burden, but that of a gravity.
A thing that bears this gravity and substance is a Good Thing.
This is the distinction: to take a Good Thing out of context as a gift from the Source IS IDOLATRY.
Idols are not kind. Idols are slavedrivers. If you take pleasure, knowledge or control for yourself, you will die. You will be mastered by that thing.
[click.] James 1:17 . Psalm 16:2 . Psalm 103:5 .
From your kindness you send the rain to water the mountains from the upper rooms of your palace. Your goodness brings forth fruit for all to enjoy. Your compassion brings the earth’s harvest, feeding the hungry. You cause the grass to grow for livestock, along with the fruit, grains, and vegetables to feed mankind. You provide sweet wine to gladden hearts. You give us daily bread to sustain life, giving us glowing health for our bodies.
Psalms 104:13-15 TPT
Humans reflect God as integral beings. Each aspect--mind, body and spirit (reflecting Father, Son & Spirit) have needs that are only fully met in Him. As integral beings, you'll notice that what you take into your body affects the mind and the spirit; what happens in the spirit affects the intake of the body; what the mind experiences impacts the well being of the body and the spirit. We are designed as "one" as God is One. Therefore every Good Thing has benefit for every part of our beings. That's who He is. Generous and kind. He is the only One who knows us inside and out, and any gift He offers provides nourishment to the entire. I think this is why breaking bread is so substantial. The taking in of bread in the context of connection offers nourishment and pleasure to the mind, the body and the spirit.
When applied to a food, I imagine the opinion of God as He completed the sixth day:
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."
They say when you think you're hungry, take some water because it's possible you're just thirsty. It occurs to me: if we can't do this very basic thing, why do we think we are so smart?
I started noticing glory in food that God declared "good". That glory identified by God's fullness. Completeness. Substance.
Every food that God offers as "GOOD", also includes water...because it is living. So maybe it's not that the body is confused, but that the mind thinks it knows too much.
A Good Thing is an offering. Any gift given to me, that I can offer back for His pleasure by not simply taking but giving for the glory of God.
A Good Thing is connection. With God and others.
A Good Thing is wisdom. Knowledge in context of relationship to the Creator.
A Good Thing is also a trouble. A resistance that tries and purifies.
The thing about Good Things is that Satan takes every opportunity to disintegrate--to change our relationship to them so that rather than seeing the goodness of God, we idolize them, and try to control them for our own benefit. In the case of adversity, Satan perverted the difficulties which could have trained my faith, into "evidence that God isn't really very near, or very kind, so you'll have to go get goodness yourself".
The glory of God is weight. Not that of a burden, but that of a gravity.
A thing that bears this gravity and substance is a Good Thing.
This is the distinction: to take a Good Thing out of context as a gift from the Source IS IDOLATRY.
Idols are not kind. Idols are slavedrivers. If you take pleasure, knowledge or control for yourself, you will die. You will be mastered by that thing.
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