I woke this morning with the words "to obey is better than sacrifice" on repeat in my mind. I had to hear the full word, my soul was hungry. 1 Samuel--Saul is devoting the enemy spoil to destruction and decides to go ahead and keep the best livestock for sacrifices. "...and to listen, than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry." 1 Samuel 15:22-23 I've been sitting when he said to rise. Probably because no one wants to hear what He's been saying, and I know it. "but if salt loses its saltiness, it's not even useful to be cast into the manure pile" "how can I go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me." 1 Samuel 16:2 Ah, Samuel. To know that hearing is the treasure that pleases the Lord , but obedience is vulnerable! After David's anointing: " But David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem... Eliab: 'Why have you...
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