I heard the phrase "thrives on routine" a few days ago. I know it's a commonly accepted virtue nowadays. For most people it carries a virtue in it, or simply describes the way one is designed. Do we do this because we only have so much attention? We must make things happen in a way that doesn't require the mind to complete what has to be done? That we can "get away" with mindless work or use "spare time" in a way that pleases us? Does forcing a routine simply mean I am trying to manage multiple yokes: motherhood, generosity, diligence, learning, relationships, disciple-making, money-making/keeping? Even with expertly managed routines, multiple yokes are exhausting. This is not The Life. I believe discipline is very, very different than religion. Being a disciple requires attention...when Christ appointed the apostles and they were writing letters and spending energy and time on people they loved, with their attention and gifts, they were called...
faithful & farinaceous