khorasan matzah We’ve just finished out the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and I’ve been ruminating The Word given in that time over the last week. He is The Master of experiential training, and I do believe the more times we lay down ourselves and come INTO His Kingdom for His things (“Bible things in Bible ways”), we find deeper and more filling reasons to DO SO! Why would he give us meaningless, vain traditions meant to be undone? He wouldn’t. Here’s what I was hearing as we cleaned up the home for the 1st day of Unleavened Bread (the day after Passover): it’s not about the toaster crumbs or the crusts under the fridge. Yes, those require a great deal of intention to address and eliminate (as does pride!). But I was hearing something different this year. How perfect, that He would stage a return of actual chametz into the home of an average person so that we might come into an understanding of this Feast, even as we come to realize that HE is the meaning of them all?! Grocery store...
faithful & farinaceous