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Showing posts from April, 2024


khorasan matzah We’ve just finished out the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and I’ve been ruminating The Word given in that time over the last week. 1 Timothy 4 warns us to steer clear of myths and fables, or nonsense traditions. While our Passover evening wasn't quite as "remembering" as I'd like in the future, I don’t want to recite Jewish prayers and blessings that are NOT giving credit to The Messiah and His fulfilling of this Feast. I want to do as He did—washing feet, drinking the cup and breaking the bread in remembrance of His atoning blood and flesh, and a traditional Haggadah does not admit that. Not only this, but we can see traces of Babylon in certain parts of a Seder plate, the egg and the charoset being most blatantly opposing the purity and simplicity. Thanks to Yah, I hadn’t even known of these things until we received the opportunity to host some very kind friends and neighbors to share our lamb with, who were more familiar with a Seder. Not all tradition