Yesterday, The Word nourished me deeply by rendering several things that I've been ruminating! Many streams of hearing The Word keep repeating one Word: know I was encouraged by a faithful teacher to simply read the Torah. Every king in ancient Israel was commanded to make their own copy, that they would learn to fear YHWH . As I began in Genesis yesterday, it came to my mind that Abram knew YHWH, he was familiar with Him already, so he approached Him by name when he approached the three men! Yesterday, as Drew left for work, he reminded our daughter to care for one of our ewes that seems to be ailing somewhat. The day was full of excitement, and so it was, that it was late afternoon when I asked if she had completed her father's instruction. She said "no, I forgot". I related it to The Word, how we can make excuses about life being busy and full, and we forget to obey our Father. In fact, this Word I'm sharing is one such thing--Satan is biting at my heels as w...
faithful & farinaceous