His life.
Living animate. dynamic. growing. freshness. possessing Life of the Word-Origin
Integral complete. lacking nothing. all components present. full being integrity. agreement.
Faith strength in conviction. Origin is God. confidence. persuaded. immersed.
Energy fullness. water. light. stamina. fuel. vibration.
Consumption habits do not change the value of a person. They do not alter the state of holiness by Christ. Yet what I consume reveals the placement of my confidence.
My consumption is the root of my
-ease or dis-ease
-contentment or discontent
-fullness or hunger
-efficiency or deficiency
-attraction or distraction
-abundance or poverty
I'd heard deface. In currency, the United States code prohibits the defacement of coins as property of the government.
"Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's"
Until recently, I had seen New Testament scripture as directive rather than diagnosis. I inherited a type of law-based thinking about the Bible that caused me to think I knew God, yet what manifested was not a vital, maturing and fruitful faith.
I think this is what Paul is describing in Galatians 2:20. This is an entirely other life that is not an attachment or addendum but a superseding of what is commonly known as life.
"May God Himself sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept holy"
Death is swallowed up by Life.
in every part of a being. Life goes in, death goes out. Death goes in, life goes out.
The body naturally detoxifies and regenerates itself as it receives life. This is the visible representation of a mind renewed by the Holy Spirit revealing light onto the Word of God.
Ingest life. Living words. Living foods. Living thoughts. Living relationships.
Living animate. dynamic. growing. freshness. possessing Life of the Word-Origin
Integral complete. lacking nothing. all components present. full being integrity. agreement.
Faith strength in conviction. Origin is God. confidence. persuaded. immersed.
Energy fullness. water. light. stamina. fuel. vibration.
Consumption habits do not change the value of a person. They do not alter the state of holiness by Christ. Yet what I consume reveals the placement of my confidence.
My consumption is the root of my
-ease or dis-ease
-contentment or discontent
-fullness or hunger
-efficiency or deficiency
-attraction or distraction
-abundance or poverty
I'd heard deface. In currency, the United States code prohibits the defacement of coins as property of the government.
"Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's"
Until recently, I had seen New Testament scripture as directive rather than diagnosis. I inherited a type of law-based thinking about the Bible that caused me to think I knew God, yet what manifested was not a vital, maturing and fruitful faith.
I think this is what Paul is describing in Galatians 2:20. This is an entirely other life that is not an attachment or addendum but a superseding of what is commonly known as life.
"May God Himself sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept holy"
Death is swallowed up by Life.
in every part of a being. Life goes in, death goes out. Death goes in, life goes out.
The body naturally detoxifies and regenerates itself as it receives life. This is the visible representation of a mind renewed by the Holy Spirit revealing light onto the Word of God.
Ingest life. Living words. Living foods. Living thoughts. Living relationships.
đź’™ I’ve had some difficulty maneuvering this blog. The emoji, for me, is “marked as read!”