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opt-out to opt-in

'However, the solid foundation of Elohim stands firm, having this seal, “יהוה knows those who are His,” and, let everyone who names the Name of Messiah turn away from unrighteousness. But in a large house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some unto value and some unto no value.' 'If, then, anyone cleanses himself from these matters , he shall be a vessel unto value, having been set apart, of good use to the Master, having been prepared for every good work.' Timotiyos Bĕt (2 Timothy) 2:19-21

 Our community of families gathering to read The Word on Shabbat just passed through Acts 15. In it, the elders decided on four simple "rules", countering the demands of the "circumcision faction".  These had to do with spiritual uncleanness, brought straight out of the Torah:
1) idolatry
2) sexual impurity
3) eating strangled animals
4) blood

These were about abstinence. To stop doing particular things that were as everyday for them, as getting our mail out of the mailbox. Do YHWH's requirements for The Nations stop there, since they weren't "Jewish"? Look at the next statement:

'For from ancient generations Mosheh has, in every city, those proclaiming him – being read in the congregations every Sabbath.' Ma`asei (Acts) 15:21

In other words, we aren't going to stop doing what we've always done--reading The Torah together on Shabbat--and The Word Himself will increase their fear of Him and change them from within. The initial requirements were for opting out of the worldly religious systems, and altogether cancelling allegiance to those "mighty ones". It was about cleansing the temple.

As a person that has always enjoyed well-doing in regards to food, a few parables have sprung up in my mind recently.

It's becoming well-known that commercially prepared bread products are toxic. In response to this knowledge, many will simply cut it out for the sake of their health. I was there, in 2014. That was but the beginning of His deliverance to me.

'From Your orders I get understanding; Therefore I have hated every false way.' Tehillim (Psalms) 119:104

We, the people, are hungry for integrity. Our generation is tired of the lies. We are willing to throw out anything that cheats us. The reason for this is The Word, who He Is. 

Someone gifted one of my children a book, called "Forri The Baker". I really believe the author must have been given spiritual insight...there is much hidden metaphor. The Word is not only our very fullness, it is our weaponry. It is by The Word we are delivered from our enemies.

'“Why do you weigh out silver for what is not bread, and your labour for what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and let your being delight itself in fatness.' Yeshayah (Isaiah) 55:2

Did you catch it? Isaiah says "why would you buy what is not filling you?" but then also, "LISTEN, and EAT what is GOOD."

In a world of too many "tribes" of judgements, we need to get back to our Origin and the Source of our life for the truth. 



Recently, The Word has ignited a curiosity about His Word in olive oil. There are many layers to this Good Thing. Make no mistake, the wisdom of our Father is beyond deep. More than worth every moment of time spent asking and listening! As I have learned about the robbery that has occurred in this particular area, again, I'm unsurprised to find a parable. In the same way that we must seek integrity and work diligently to receive what HE calls "bread", if you are not putting any effort into distinguishing truth from a lie, agribusiness will steal your health from you using cheap, toxic substitutes. Seed oils are a hot topic right now--everyone is talking about how despicably bad they are. What's crazy is that the olive oil industry is so wicked, so unregulated, that you might switch from "seed oils" to "olive oil" and pay a little more for the same exact toxic substance. WHAT?!

It's unfaithful.

You know that little nugget in Revelation that talks about not damaging the oil, and the wine? I wonder what that might have to do with these shenanigans?

Which brings me to the anointing.

'But the anointing which you have received from Him stays in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing does teach you concerning all, and is true, and is no falsehood, and even as it has taught you, you stay in Him.' Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 2:27

Was that redundant, or is he intentionally, repetitively, attracting your attention to the integrity of your anointing?

Using true and real olive oil in my kitchen, asking The Word to open my eyes to anything He wants to show me about it, to give me a measure of truth, I perceive that it enlivens everything it is invited to. It increases digestibility and assimilation of the goodness within every Good Thing. I also witnessed how it is upon the waters. It is higher. Genesis 1 was brought to mind. Without going way too deep, I want to maybe ignite a desire to study The Word for the richness it brings. Hebrew words are relationship-oriented. From a root word, many words have extensive family trees. 

The word "oil" in Hebrew is shemen. This is interesting, given the word for "breath" is "neshama", the word for "name" or "authority" is shem, the word for "heavens" is shamayim. The FIRST COMMAND is to HEAR, O Israel...or shema. Even shalom, the word for "completeness" seems related. Each of the words are out of a root consisting of a shin and mem. If His Name is His Authority is higher, as the heavens are above the earth, the fullness and richness of the truth in olive oil (which was once the only oil that existed--the English word "oil" is from olea, or olive)  is most certainly spiritual in nature. Priests were anointed with fragrant olive oil. This also designated David as the chosen Sovereign.

'And יהוה said to Shemu’ĕl, “How long are you going to mourn for Sha’ul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Yisra’ĕl? Fill your horn with oil, and go, I am sending you to Yishai the Bĕyth Leḥemite. For I have seen among his sons a sovereign for Myself.” Shemu’ĕl Aleph (1 Samuel) 16:1

Then there is Shemu'el's name. Who he became is a product of his mother's faithfulness to obey the shema. She wasn't out at other temples asking fertility goddesses for help, she knew He is ONE. One authority for ALL of life. She knew his purpose had to be for YHWH, for that is whom she'd asked for him. 

That's like our anointing. We are anointed with the set-apart Spirit, for the purpose of set-apartness. Not to accomplish our own exploits, reach our own goals, grab for our desires. Any of this kind of behavior cannot be coming from a set apart Spirit. Can you perceive that the very same thing that has occurred in the physical world of olive oil has also occurred in the spiritual?

We cannot simply eradicate the bad. We can withdraw from a number of wicked deeds. We can go to church every single week. But unless we are receiving the anointing, which teaches us all things, we will not know what kind of oil they're spreading from the pulpit, whether the "seed oil" kind, or the enlivening kind. This requires diligent inquiry on an individual level. 

But just like many have ditched the seed oils in their diets, many Christians have simply cast off their conformity, because all they've known was the toxic imposters of true faith. We stopped going to church, in such a similar way. After a few years though, even while remaining faithful to study His Word, we sensed the lack of nourishment that comes from a congregation, with its varied, filled-out giftings. 
We can't just opt out of what is broken and dead.
We need to receive what is whole and living.

The Word reminded me that mashiach (messiah) means "Anointed", which translated into Greek, becomes "christos".  or Christ.

'“For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.' Mattithyahu (Matthew) 24:24

The Anointed One is in Whom we are putting all our trust, in Whom is all power over sin and death-- why wouldn't Satan figure out many ways to get us to forfeit our inheritance? 

Did you know that olive oil has been diluted with cheaper substances since ancient Greece? They even used liquified lard! In the same way, the ancient Romans "cut" in on this true anointing with a mixed doctrine, blending pagan ways (obelisks became steeples, and each demonic festival was "christened") as these authorities forbade Sabbath-keeping or even being in community with Jews?

I have a far more dangerous word to share than even the quiet reality that "observing" Sunday was pagan/Catholic in origin (aside from the fact that it has turned us aside from YHWH's 4th command).

As I've been meditating on The Word and hearing Scripture, I receive that it is our anointing to speak truth, each one to their neighbor, and that it is love to do so. The world now wants "love thy neighbor" to look like "enable thy neighbor's sin, even when it destroys them". I cannot see that as love. I've been formed and refined for the purpose of faithfulness.

The first thing I must say is that pharmaceuticals, according to The Word, are sorcery. If holy and unholy cannot blend, that tells me where this falls if we use the Torah for our definition of righteousness.

Secondly, the reason that Aesclepius is still used as the symbol of our medical system, is that it began with idolatry. Everywhere you look in Scripture, you will find that idols are the physical representation of demons (because demons are spiritual, they have no physical form and "images" gave them that). Deuteronomy 32:16-18 Leviticus 17:7 1 Corinthians 10:20 Demons are still making power grabs for authority on earth, but they've veiled themselves much more carefully, behind masks of "helping".

With all the fruit that we have seen manifested out from this system, can we believe it is a Good Thing (a blessing from a generous, complete Creator and Father, that has never, ever needed our science for creating or healing)?

Can a good tree bear bad fruit? Can a bad tree bear good fruit?

Here is why it is SO important not to just opt out of "false faith", but to apply our whole selves to a true faith. Our family has been immensely blessed with protection and healing, by The Word alone. Shalom means completeness. Being under Yeshua's authority is not limited to parts of our being. 

We are a generation that needs TRUE FAITH.

'The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is Remaliah’s son. If you do not trust, you will not stand.”' Isaiah 7:9
Even when I was a verified (but ignorant) Sabbath-breaker, and spending every Saturday morning under the squat rack, The Word was faithful to me. I was blind, but He was merciful and compassionate. He showed me how similar that work was to the increase of faith. To submit to a challenge, to spend time under tension by our will, and to practice "to whom will we go?", we increase the capacity of our faith. In every situation that requires HELP, the direction we go with our need is determining our outcomes! Either from strength to strength, or ruin to ruin!

Drew was bitten by a copperhead last month. We've been told a number of things, mostly by believing Christians:
"Oh, sometimes they dry bite."
"There's no shame in seeking medical help"
"You've got to get the antivenin!"
"Aren't you afraid?"

First, we anointed with oil, and prayed. Then we re-read the account of Sha'ul, shaking the viper off into the fire. We re-read the words of Yeshua, "'See, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and none at all shall hurt you.' Luqas (Luke) 10:19
Do we know how to TAKE UP that authority? Do we say we believe, or do we believe? Here is what we declare: Abba either protected, or he healed. YHWH alone gives life.

I learned that this antivenin they dose you with costs around $75-100k and often has longer-lasting side effects than the bite itself. Do you think it is possible that there is predatory behavior going on, exploiting fear and its immediate adrenaline response to save your own life?

That was our most recent faith-building exercise. And as I have been weaponing up for my purpose as a faithful woman, like Shiphrah and Puah, I cannot comply with this nonsense that enables women to keep showing up for the images and tests that are preventing them from really building a foundation, a core of real trust in the Creator of the unborn. Christians everywhere HATE abortion, and for good reason! And yet, it is just too radical to believe that these authorities, these equipment built around images, are anything but innocent. 

Let me make it plain. If Pharaoh can't convince us to murder our babies like he has the unbelieving population, he will find a way to get us to comply with the massacre another way. 
I have personally heard multiple stories of women who go in to see their provider, and being told there was no heartbeat, are instructed (possibly asked?) to get a D&C.  Only some of them go and check with other "authorities", and find out that the baby was very much alive. This means that it is extremely likely that this image-based system promising "health" (which can only come from ONE Authority) has convinced dear, loving mothers to give up their child on the altar of Ba'al. My heart is sick with grief.

Can we really still believe that seeking "medical" help for a holy, blessed and good physiological function is anything but a trap?

I implore you, brothers and sisters. GET OUT of Babylon. The Medical System is nothing short of Nebuchadnezzar's statue. The Virus was a test to see who would bow down. The vaccine is to force-submit those who do not. You will see, if you look well, that this "catholic-blessed" system is nothing short of an antichrist.

If we are seeing poor health, a rash of disease, we need to check for idolatry. I was thinking of the third command--"do not use My Name in vanity". Trying to perceive through an ancient Hebrew persepective, and also, cross reference with other uses of the term "vanity", we find the accusation that the people call upon their idols in "vain", for they knew these could do nothing. They did vain repetitive prayers out of a heart that did not believe He was hearing them. Could this command be referring to our "asking" YHWH for healing, then working with our own hand trying to save ourselves? With dual allegiance, we cannot expect to be heard!
'But mixed with the nations And learned their works, They did not destroy the peoples, As יהוה had commanded them, And served their idols, And they became a snare to them. And they slaughtered their sons And their daughters to demons, And they shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and daughters, Whom they slaughtered to the idols of Kena‛an; And the land was defiled with blood. So they became unclean by their own works, And went whoring by their own deeds. And the wrath of יהוה burned against His people, And He loathed His own inheritance. Then He gave them into the hand of the nations, And those who hated them ruled over them. And their enemies oppressed them, And they were humbled under their hand. Many times He delivered them; But they rebelled in their plans, So they were brought low for their crookedness.'
Tehillim (Psalms) 106:34-43


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